International blog swap day – introducing crazy mother crafter!

A few weeks ago I signed up with tots 100 to take part in international blog swap day. As part of this I would like to introduce Robin from New Zealand and her blog crazy mother crafter

Hello, A huge thank you to Tammy for letting me commandeer her blog for the day! I’m Robin a work at home mum from New Zealand. I love blogging, creating and spending time with my husband and gorgeous daughter! I thought I would run you through an average day in my house!


6am- Out of bed and have coffee with the husband before he leaves for work. Miss 3 wakes up around now too.
7am- Breakfast, probably another coffee and get ready for our day.
8:30am- Walk the dog and exercise the child.
9:30am- Housework- Dishes, vacuuming and that never ending Mount Washmore.
11am- Morning tea/lunch, and then something fun. Play dough, art, water play or tea parties whatever takes Miss 3’s fancy on the day!

12:30pm- If I’m really lucky Miss 3 will have an afternoon sleep! (This is why exercise the child is so important earlier in the day!) During this time I check, pack, ship and complete orders. I order any materials I may need, do accounts, perhaps write a blog post or work on any other assignments I have.

2pm- Miss 3 is usually up and we will either do some baking, have something to eat, play outside or play in Miss 3’s playroom. Again this depends on her mood and what she’s interested in doing we don’t have a set schedule or program.

4pm- Prep dinner, do any other housework that needs to be done, reply to any quick emails and generally have a quick tidy up of the house.
5:30pm- By this time of the night Miss 3 is starting to wind down and get tired so we generally read books, do puzzles or another quiet activity until Mr gets home.
6:30pm- Mr is home from work, dinner and bath time and then Miss 3 is usually in bed by 7:30.
7:30pm-1am- I am working, replying to emails, creating products, planning and general business stuff. I am a one women band and I try to do all of the computer stuff when my daughter is asleep so I am as hands on and attentive as I can when she is awake.

So there is an average day for me in rural New Zealand where my neighbors are sheep and alpacas!
Pop over to my blog (crazymothercrafter) to see Tammy’s post on my blog and check out my links below!

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Facebook Page (
My Business (

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