So a month ago my baby boy put on a shirt, tie, little grey shorts, and school shoes for the very 1st time and went to nursery ~ I may have cried. He looked so tiny in his uniform walking up the road carrying his school backpack that looked as though it was twice the size of him, but at the same time he looked so proud too. Proud that he was big enough to join his brother at school. Okay so it’s nursery not school, but to him it is, to him he’s just like his brother because he’s there all morning on his own without mommy or daddy.
The agreed settling in process was that I would stay with him for his 1st 2 days then see how well he had settled as to whether or not I should stay on the 3rd day or not. However TP had other ideas having seen JR being left for the last 3 years he didn’t want me there, he wanted me to leave him on the very 1st day, but then agreed that as leaving him would be hard for me I could stay for that day. His rules were ‘you can stay if you don’t play with me mommy!’ I spoke to his teacher and we agreed that it would be good for TP if we shortened the settling in process and I only stayed for the 1st day, but arrive prepared to stay for a 2nd day if TP had a wobble.
We needn’t have worried because on his 2nd day having watched his brother do the same he kissed me goodbye at the classroom door, and walked in proud as punch, put his bag on his peg and name in the pot, without even so much as a glance back at me. Parents are meant to accompany the children into the classroom, but as he is happy to do it that way the teachers are happy to allow it. After all it is preparing him for when he has to do it at school next year, quite a few of the other children are following TP’s lead and the teachers have said it’s making a less hectic classroom each morning.
Ever since that 1st week TP has gone from strength to strength, he follows the rules, has settled into the routine, engages with teachers and children in both nursery and reception (it’s a free flow early years unit) and really enjoys going to nursery each day. He has even started dance class every Saturday morning at the school with JR.
I’m sure I made the right decision not sending him to nursery in January and giving the extra time bat home to learn and grow into the lovely little boy that he is.
I am so proud of him if not a little sad that he’s no longer a baby, and sad that the house feels so quiet and empty between 8.45 when I drop them both off and 3.15 when JR finishes school.
Aww! How lovely to read he’s doing so well!
Thank you x