Tonight when I put my nearly 5 year old son JR in bed he had a nosebleed, a big nosebleed, this one worried me, in that it didn’t seem to want to stop.However it did and as usual Mr M&TTT dealt with it so calmly.
JR has been having nosebleeds since he was about 18 months old, every summer and then the end of autumn every year without fail he has a nosebleed almost once a week, he sometimes wakes up screaming that he nose is bleeding, he sometimes sleeps through them and wakes up covered in blood, or sometimes he’ll be playing or sitting watching television and it’ll start.
We’ve been to the doctors on numerous occasions, when he had his first one we even took him to A&E. He has been seen by the ear,nose,& throat department and they all say the same thing there is nothing they can do, nothing that is that they would want to put their own children through until he is older, one even told us that it’s a sign that he is healthily producing red blood cells and he may grow out of it.
I hope he does but only time will tell.
I am proud of him every time it happens because he knows exactly what he needs to do and most of the time, he remains calm and still.
I love my Big Little man so much.