My Sunday photo this week is one where I feel sorry for myself. On Friday I visited the hospital for a consultants appointment on my wrist, I was expecting him to say that all was well and I didn’t need to wear the brace anymore. This however was not the case, after more x-rays it was decided that I damaged the ligaments in my wrist not cracked a bone as 1st thought. So I had a steroid injection (that really hurt!) and I’m in a different type of brace for at least the next 2 months. So here’s the photo of my poorly arm.
I’m linking this to my Sunday photo
Ouch. Just be careful.
Thank you for linking up
Oh no hope you are all back to normal quickly and not in too much pain.
You go easy with that wrist, hope you feel better soon 🙂
Ouch! Hope it soon mends! x
Oh no, I hope it gets better soon!! x
Ouch! I hope it will not be too painful!
Oh no, hope it heals well and you get the brace off as soon as possible xxx
Oh no 🙁 hope it gets better soon x
ouch i hope its gets better soon
That’s not good another 2 months of wearing a brace – hope it heals quickly.