Yesterday I attended the Tots 100 blog conference Blogcamp. Happily for me it was held very close to home in Birmingham City centre. Over the last few years JR and TP have been getting more and more interested in the Marvel and DC comic book heroes, so whilst in Birmingham I decided a visit to a comic book shop might be in order. This shop is where me and Mr M&TTT spent quite a few hours and pounds when we first started dating way back in college. Nostalgia and Comics, if you’re ever in Birmingham it’s well worth finding and having a look around whether you are into comics or not.

I’m linking this to My Sunday Photo


Loom Band Giveaway

It’s the craze that has taken not only britain by storm but the world, You Tube is jam packed with tutorial videos and everywhere you turn there are brightly coloured tiny elastic bands. You’ve guessed it I’m talking about loom bands. With christmas just around the corner Loom bands still look set to be on many Continue reading →