As I’m writing this it’s 5 am I’m at Coombe Milland I’ve already been awake for over a hour! Yes I’ve been awake with TP since before 4am! You see he always wakes between just before 5am and 6am. On a normal day I can keep him in bed with me until 6 or 6.30 ready to start the day (the start of the cbeebies programming schedule
If not I will get up a little earlier and maybe watch a little bit of some weird program on tiny pop, until 6 when our I mean their normal viewing can begin.
What’s unusual about today? Why are they up so early?
Last night we arrived at coombe mill so the boys are very excited I expected them to be up early and excited, but 4 am!
No you see the 4am start has nothing to do with the excitement at being at Coombe mill (sorry Fiona) and everything to do with daylight saving time you see last night the clocks went back an hour. Twitter was awash with “ooh an extra hour in bed in the morning!” And “I wonder what I’ll do with my extra hour?” And my favourite “I’ve got work tomorrow but it’s okay to have another drink thank you extra hour in bed!”
Yet I’m pretty sure most parents of young children were like me and thinking ‘I better have an early night the kids will be awake an hour earlier’ (which I know they aren’t it just feels like it when you see 4am on your clock!)
So no I haven’t had an extra hour in bed this morning I’ve been up an extra hour before cbeebies started, without the help of tiny pop! Which means an extra hour before I can have a latte in peace ~ iplayer it is then!
At least we’ll have no excuse for being late to the Coombe Mill feed run.
If it makes you feel any better, I’ve been up since before 4am! A mix of insomnia and the hour change throwing me completley. To my amazement, the eldest got out of bed at 6am, I thought it was going to be much earlier. Enjoy your stay at Coombe Mill.
Thank you it has made me feel a lot better, and thank you I’m sure we will