JR started reception in September and at 1st he really enjoyed going in every morning until dinner time, eating his dinner and then came home. Then he got impetigo, and the 1st cream he had made it worse and the medicine made him sick, this resulted in him having 3 weeks off school.
When he returned to school all the other children had done 3 weeks of full days and had really settled in well, JR came home crying that no one would play with him. By the Thursday a few of his classmates were off with a sickness bug, and his teacher said that his behaviour in class was becoming unacceptable, he wasn’t sitting & listening when he needed to and was generally being disobedient but they put it down to his 3 weeks off. Then came another 2 days off as JR caught the sickness bug, then 2 days at school before the impetigo flared up again, the Drs said they think his body can’t completely fight it off on his own so needs to be on a different antibiotic and gel for a longer period of time. (Fingers crossed it seems to be working) so in all he has completed 7 days off half days and 11 full days at school this half term. I am so glad that the holiday is here, so we can have some fun as a family, and also so his body has time to fully recover before coming in contact with school germs again.
I think we’re writing this half term off as a non-starter!
Has anyone else had such an unfortunate start to the new school year?