After moving house in august last year, our 1st job in the house after the obvious unpacking boxes was getting JR settled in to school. Soon after the weather turned and the furtherest thing from our minds was sorting out the garden and putting our own mark on it.
However a few months ago when the weather starting getting nice again the kids wanted to be outside in the garden, so we sorted a small corner of the garden for them by laying down play bark, filling a few tyres with sand for sandpits and turning the small shed into a den. Not forgetting of course buying and setting up a trampoline for them.
Now though its time to start thinking about an adult area to the garden with plants and greenery, something to attract the birds and bees, after all, all kids love bugs and bugs need somewhere to live.
We have decided however that we want something low maintenance because with the tiny 3 its hard enough to keep the inside the house and their area tidy without having to worry about the garden as well.
I recently heard about Neon jungle launching the lets grow wild campaign funded by the national lottery fund, and thought that the wild seeds planted in a pots around my patio and underneath my front window would look really nice and at the same time help the environment i mean did you know that 1 in 3 mouthfuls of food rely on pollinating insects, thats a huge amount. The seeds are really easy to plant to just sprinkle on top of soil in pots and let nature do the rest you really can’t ask for more low maintenance than that.
For more information watch the video below.
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