For the last four and a half years every Wednesday I’ve been going to a moms and toddlers group at our local Methodist church, the tiny3 have always loved going. The ladies who run the group are members of the church and have delighted in seeing each child who attends moms and toddlers grow and eventually ‘graduate’ on to full time school.
The group although held in church is completely un-religious, something which I worried about when I 1st joined. However the families that go are always treated as members of the church, and whenever the church is holding a special event we get invited along, they didn’t even mind when JR flirted with the idea of going to Sunday school something which he enjoyed for quite a few months.
Each Xmas on the 1st Wednesday afternoon of the month moms and toddlers stages a nativity play for any church members who wish to attend, it’s a bit of a laugh the costumes aren’t up to much, and something always goes wrong. When you think that most of the cast are under 3 it’s a brilliant achievement. Every Christmas Eve we attend the children’s christingle service and every Mother’s Day they invite us to the special service. As well as a Good Friday fun morning with Easter crafts, coffee & hot cross buns.
Last night we were invited by the new minister to ‘messy church’ where the children learnt a little bit about baby Jesus, made a wise mans crown, an edible baby in a manger and an angel decoration. Then they all sat down to eat sausage, mash and beans.
the Tiny 3’s angel decorations
how to create an edible manger
1/4 bar of chocolate plain or milk whichever you prefer (per 2 mangers)
1 shredded wheat (per 2 mangers)
1) melt some chocolate
2) break up some shredded wheat in a bowl and add the melted chocolate
3) mix together until all the shredded wheat is covered in chocolate (this makes your hay)
4) spoon the hay into a manger (cake case)
5) place baby Jesus (a jelly baby) on the hay
Edible baby Jesus in a manger made by JR & TP