Angry Birds Magnetic Mix-Up
I have a confession to make I have never played angry birds, and neither me nor Mr M&TTT have ever had the app on our phones or tablets, however through the power of advertising and marketing JR knows who they are and their names.
When a parcel arrived a few weeks ago for JR he couldn’t contain his excitement, as it brought together three of his favourite things a book, angry birds and being able to use his imagination.
The book has 10 magnetic pages and comes with around 30 magnetic pieces that store securely in a hinged plastic box which is attached to the top of the book
JR has had so much fun creating different angry birds characters, but never leaves them long enough before creating another for me to take a photo, this is the only photo I’ve been able to get.
This book is currently on sale here for £6.29 and I personally think it’s well worth the money, the amount of fun JR has had with it.
The second book we received was called The Two Stubborn Pirates. This book has been claimed by TP and who can blame him after all he’s too young for the angry birds book. Having said that however it is a book that we are all enjoying as a family even LA likes the rhythmic song style writing and it has become a firm bedtime favourite in the house with the boys joining in with ‘Down down sink them all down’.
This book currently retails here for £5.39 and would make an excellent Christmas present for any pirate lover!
I was sent these books for the purposes of this review all views and thoughts are mine
We had the pirate book too – good fun. H loves Angry Birds and we tried the mask book.