We’ve had a bit of a lazy week and spent it indoors.
Day 82
I love this photo of my Dad and LA.
Day 83
TP wanted me to take a selfie of us all for JR who was at school.
Day 84
It was wellie weather for the school run today
Day 85
LA thought dressing as a ghost was very funny
Day 86
Take a photo of my eye mommy!
Day 87
Playing phonics games before breakfast
Day 88
After realising it’s only 8 days until they go to little fun fest the boys insisted I find out their autograph books ready.
Cute photos of gorgeous kids (maybe bigger pics would be nicer to look at) #365
Thank you I was experimenting with a different way to display my photos
got to love a good selfie 🙂 great week of photos x
Thank you x
lovely pictures i love group selfie we could so do with doing this 🙂 i also love the layout .. but it might just be me but its a little on the small side on my laptop so did struggle a little to make them all the details xx
Thank you x
I wrote it up on my phone could be why they’re small I’ll have a look tomorrow on the laptop x
Fab selfie of you all
Thanks for linking up to Project 365.