Live for now

So what would you do if you were walking to work one day and noticed a big black box had landed in the middle of the street? I bet like me you’d be curious, how curious then would you be if that box had a clock counting down on the side? Some people who were passing commented that ‘it was very strange that there was a box in the street’ or ‘I did think it was really weird when I first saw it, all it says on it is hashtag Live for Now’


I think that most people would want to know what was going to happen when the timer hits 00:00:00 I know for a fact i’d be intrigued.If you are anything like me you are probably wondering what the countdown was for whilst you’re reading this, don’t worry you can find out soon!

Once the countdown hit 00:00:00 the waiting crowds were invited by pepsi max to ‘Live for now’ and have a Sensory experience through the Max Cube.

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At the end of their experience, each person received a very special one in a lifetime souvenir, but I’m not going to tell you what it was. You will have to watch the following video to find out!

Disclosure: This is a paid for post.

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