Back in September JR started reception at school. Virtually as soon as he started he contracted a rather nasty bout of impetigo which resulted in him having 3 weeks off school while he tried to fight it off.
When he returned to school he had a lot of trouble settling and his 1st few weeks were turbulent behaviourally in the classroom this eventually meant that his teacher needed to speak to me after school 1 day, to say I was upset would be an understatement to say the least. But we had words and his behaviour gradually improved and we’d had no problems since, except for the odd ‘JR wouldn’t dress himself after forest school’ or ‘JR had his silly head on a bit today’. In fact when he had his 1st parents evening they said that he was one of the best behaved in his class, although there were a few academic things that he was struggling to grasp but he had missed 3 weeks so the teachers thoroughly expect him to be on par with his peers when he leaves reception and goes into year 1.
However today when I went to collect him from school his teacher said those same words that she said way back in October
‘Can I have a word at the end please Mom?’
Today JR’s behaviour in class has been horrendous, he has been completely defiant, wouldn’t do anything that he was asked, has hit out at someone and just wouldn’t listen to anything – oh yeah and to top it all off he wet himself so needed a complete change of clothing thank god for lost property that hasn’t been claimed in previous years! He never wets himself ever and even when he 1st started nursery only had a couple of accidents when he didn’t want to ask the teacher if he could go during group time.
I am really hoping that I don’t get pulled up by the teacher again but I’m sure I will, but hopefully this episodes will be few and far between and also I hope it’s been caused by tiredness as we head towards half term.
Have you had any experience of anything like this I’d love to read your comments below.