This past Sunday something amazing happened, something fantastic.
Let me start at the beginning.
Sunday morning me my dad and TP went Christmas shopping to costco in Birmingham, JR wanted to stay with Grandma and he wanted LA to stay with him too. My mom agreed that would be okay so off we went leaving a crawling LA behind.
I didn’t expect that I would come back to what I did, a walking LA that’s right while I was out I missed LA’s 1st wobbly unaided steps! I must admit to being slightly disappointed that I’d missed them, but that quickly vanished when I saw her walk to me for the 1st time.
Since Sunday she has been getting more & more confident, and can now take up to 10 consecutive steps. I’ve been waiting to video her before posting this but as soon as I get the camera out she drops to her bum! Don’t worry though I shall update this post as soon I can get it on film!
I love this little princess so much
Every milestone she hits and every time she narrows her developmental gap she makes me prouder than I thought possible.