All of a sudden it feels like my 1st born is growing up, he is in year 1 at primary school, he’s starting to enjoy reading and writing more, and now loves to sit and try to read for himself or colour pictures. Some of his friends at school have started Beaver Scouts and naturally JR wanted too as well, So after many phone calls and emails to see if there was any available places in the local pack, we got a call to say that straight after half term JR could start.
So on Monday 23rd February I took my baby to Beavers and after filling in his enrolment forms I left him for 75 minutes with complete strangers, I was so worried that he would hate every minute of it but I couldn’t have been more wrong. When I picked him up he had the biggest beaming smile and was excitedly asking to come back again the following week.
He told me straight away that he wanted to be like the other boys and girls and have a uniform so I brought his necker and woggle from the scout hut before leaving and started stalking eBay for a uniform. I’d already worked out that a brand new uniform wouldn’t be affordable, but thanks to eBay I was able to buy his whole uniform for around £20.
He looked so grown up walking to Beavers in his uniform this week, and made me feel so proud.
Aww! Bless him! He looks so smart in his uniform. I hope he continues to enjoy it so much x
Aw he looks really proud in his uniform. My son went to Beavers, cubs and scouts and my daughter is currently in cubs after being in Beavers for 2 years. She always wanted to join Beavers and not the girlie option of rainbows, which actually surprised me as she is really girlie. She has had so much fun being at Beavers and has given her so much confidence and made new friends outside of school. I am sure JR will be the same xx
Thank you, I’m sure he will.