This time last week I was in London with a bunch of people I’d only ever tweeted or read about on their blogs, but that is for a totally different post! One of the lovely people I met was Annie from mammasaurusblog and in my notebook along with her phone number she drew this! All Continue reading →
Tag Archives: Brit Mums
A photo diary of Brit Mums Live

These are the few photos I took at Brit mums live in the photos are babberblog onedad3girls theboyandme eliza_do_lots and Katy hill
This gallery contains 12 photos.
I survived Brit Mums Live (and I’m doing it all again next year)
On Friday 21st June I packed a bag and headed of with my baby girl LA to London Town, to the big scary Brit Mums live, where along with onedad3girls and babberblog I would be a newbie. When me and LA arrived at the brewery I felt like turning tail and running I could really Continue reading →