I was looking through some photos I have saved on my computer from my old mobile phones and I found this and it made me laugh.

Where I come from we call that a stripey oss!

I’m linking this with the ever lovely Darren at one dad 3 girls


A few weeks ago I went to a little thing called Brit Mums,Whilst I was there I tried in vain to take some good photos on my 5 year old compact camera. I didn’t get any they were all bitty and out of focus, I also had camera envy, I was envious of all the great photos everyone was getting on their DSLR’s. Now there’s no way I could afford a DSLR or even know how to use one, so I did what everyone in my situation would do I sulked, mopped, dreamed and eventually settled on getting myself a bridge camera. I’ve used my Panasonic zl20 a few times now, filling a memory card more than once,but Tuesday I went on a daytrip to Weston-Super-Mare and I finally got the chance to use my new camera to it’s my full potential. This is by far my favourite shot of the day.


Mr Seagull or as TP called him Daddy Pigeon!
I’m linking this up with Darren at Onedad3girls Why not go and share the love by clicking the badge below!
