On Wednesday this week (October 23rd) my gorgeous baby boy TP turned 3. Now as regular readers know the tiny 3 are very big fans of anything cbeebies with this in mind every year I make and send birthday cards in for the boys (I may have forgotten to do LA’s this year) in the hope that they’ll get shown. Last year JR’s card was shown but TP’s wasn’t, Well this year TP’s was shown and here it is being held up by Andy
Fingers crossed now that JR’s gets shown on November 5th.
I’m linking this post to onedad3girls and my Sunday photo
Wow that is so cool.
Thank you for linking up
Aww that is so fantastic that they managed to show it!!
Thank you x
He had his 1st birthday card shown too JR has had his 3rd & 4th birthday cards shown he’ll be devastated if he’s not on this year
That’s pretty special. My little girl would love that.
Just make, send in a card & keep your fingers crossed TP’s wasn’t shown last year
We always used to watch these come up on CBeebies! Well done to all of you 🙂
Thank you I have my fingers crossed for JR on bonfire day he’ll be devastated if it’s not on