A 3 My pal scout family

A few years ago now, when TP was 1 his uncle Pedro Carrot (don’t ask as I don’t know why!) brought him a My Pal Scout for Christmas. Straight away he absolutely adored it especially when it said his name, he still does in fact.
We were so impressed with it and the quality of it we brought a My pal violet for LA for Christmas just gone.
As with a lot of things over the past few weeks although LA had been playing with Violet until Sunday we hadn’t actually personalised it. We also didn’t realise the upset it would cause when we did.
You see JR is 5 they didn’t have them when he was a baby so he’s never had 1 being as he was 3 when TP had his.
Sunday night when I was putting the tiny3 to bed JR suddenly realised he didn’t have a cuddly toy that says his name. His name being primarily American he doesn’t have anything that says his name unless we’ve had it made especially.
I thought JR was just being silly and trying to defer bedtime a little bit longer, but then I realised how upset he really was. So I buckled under this and found a great deal online and ordered him one of his own without telling him.
It arrived today whilst he was at school, so I set it up before collecting him. I’ve never seen a little boy so happy about a cuddly dog has he was when he heard scout say ‘I love you JR’. He’s even gone to bed and fell asleep cuddling him with no fuss whatsoever.
So there you have it we’re now a 3 scout family!
Are there any toys your kids have become surprisingly attached too?


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