Very early Friday morning I boarded a train to Birmingham International Station, heading for the NEC and the BBC Gardeners world and Good Food Shows I had never been to a BBC Good Food Show or BBC Gardeners World Live show before, so I didn’t really know what to expect, except that I knew James Continue reading →
Category Archives: My Stuff

Lego -76019 guardians of the galaxy star blaster review
It’s no secret that I love building Lego, whenever the free mini kits are being given away in the newspapers I always collect them you the guise of ‘they’re for the kids’ So when I was the kids were sent a new Guardians of the Galaxy set to review, naturally I was they were really excited. Continue reading →
Canvas review, discount and giveaway
About 12 months ago I decided I’d get myself a nice bridge camera after being inspired to try to take better pictures by the fantastic blogs I read. The thing is though I never print off and display any of the photos I take, which is something that I really want to rectify. So when Continue reading →

Michael Morpurgo Christmas stories (review)
About a month ago we were sent a copy of Michael Morpurgo Christmas stories to review. Most people will know of Michael Morpurgo through his incredible story War Horse, and if that book is a favourite of yours this one will not fail to impress you. Contained in this book are 4 stories each around Continue reading →
Over the last few months JR, that little dude in the picture above, has been getting more and more interested in technology – be it a camera, phone, laptop, ipad, tablet or the smart whiteboard thingy at his school. One of his favourite pastimes over the summer holiday was to watch toy reviews on YouTube to Continue reading →
In 2 weeks time my gorgeous boy who it feels like was only born 2 minutes ago starts in reception class at school. We are lucky enough that at his school we have the option for him to have a school lunch one day and packed lunch the next and as JR is a notoriously Continue reading →
A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to go to Brit mums live 2013, and there I received a free notebook from personal planner , a long with that I received a code to order for free a personalised planner. When I went onto the website to order it I was amazed at all Continue reading →
As you all are probably aware weaning a baby on to solid food is a very messy affair! Well LA is at that stage and we’re trying to do baby led weaning which is even messier, which to be honest I love there is nothing better in this world than messy, happy children. However what Continue reading →
Most of you will have heard of a tv series called The Apprentice, where Lord Alan Sugar invites 12 contestants to battle it out in the worlds toughest job interview to become his apprentice. In 2011 the format changed to the winner getting a £250,000 investment in their company, effectively becoming Lord Sugar’s business partner. Continue reading →