Ever since we moved house last summer and finally got our own garden there’s one thing I’ve wanted to do, make a area of the garden designated to the tiny 3. My plans included a play area which I will elaborate on in another post once it’s completed, and outdoor toys including a Trampoline!
Tag Archives: garden
After school outdoor play
I can honestly say that I can see the beginnings of spring just about starting to appear, but not in the form of plants and animals – no it’s the fact that when we get home from school it’s still light outside. The sun is still in the sky and hasn’t even started to even Continue reading →
This gallery contains 9 photos.
Last night the weather in Dudley was lovely not too hot and not too cold, so my dad cooked the tea on his gas BBQ. Whilst he was doing this the kids were making the most of being able to play outside, because as I’ve mentioned before we don’t have our own garden, and with my wrist in a brace we’ve not even been able to get up to the green as I can’t push a pushchair.
I digress anyway JR decided to play on the toy tractor and when he was doing so said he was Farmer Johnny from redhouse farm which we visited in April for little fun fest.
Summer is here at last!
I really love it when the tiny three get to spend time outside and even more so when the sun is shinning. Unfortunately we live in a 2 bedroom ground floor flat with no garden, but thankfully my parents thankfully do. They let us use the garden whenever we want to, and today was no Continue reading →