Scooby-Doo Adventures, The mystery map Review

WHAT! They’ve turned scooby-doo into PUPPETS! Who on Earth could think this would be a good idea? Was my initial reaction to the DVD that landed on my doorstep last week. However it turns out that it is actually brilliant and still has the humour of the traditional cartoon scooby-doo, just slightly less scary (unless Continue reading →

Last night the weather in Dudley was lovely not too hot and not too cold, so my dad cooked the tea on his gas BBQ. Whilst he was doing this the kids were making the most of being able to play outside, because as I’ve mentioned before we don’t have our own garden, and with my wrist in a brace we’ve not even been able to get up to the green as I can’t push a pushchair.
I digress anyway JR decided to play on the toy tractor and when he was doing so said he was Farmer Johnny from redhouse farm which we visited in April for little fun fest.

