Have you ever dreamed about winning the lottery? Come on, we all have at some point. The UK lottery (or Lotto as it’s now known) celebrated its 20th birthday a few months ago and over the years we’ve all played at some point – and many still do on a regular basis today.


The main draw still takes place on a Saturday night with a midweek draw too, and there are even daily draws and other events like the Thunderball to get involved in. You can even play the continent-wide EuroMillions and if you like to play lottery online you can even participate in draws in other countries.


When you talk to people about what they might do if they won the lottery, they nearly always say things like “I’d go on an exotic holiday” or “I’d buy a Ferrari or two!” They’re natural responses I guess, we all want the finer things in life that we see celebrities owning or wearing and we can only dream of having the same lifestyle where money is never an issue.


For those who have won the lottery, however, it seems to be a bit different. You get some people who just splash the cash in the early days of having the money in their accounts and before long…it’s all gone! You never think about what might happen if that money runs out especially when people say the first thing they’ll do is quit working.


You have to buy some pretty outrageous things to spend your lottery winnings, but some people have and this infographic created by Lottosend proves it – take a look, there are some truly outrageous purchases!



FloridaTix 10th Birthday Party

On Wednesday night I was invited to attend the 10th birthday celebrations of FloridaTix at The Island Bar in Birmingham City Centre. FloridaTix are a Birmingham based company who have been selling tickets to all the theme parks and attractions in Orlando for the past 10 years, in fact when  honeymooned in Orlando in 2006 Continue reading →

A Woodland Walk

This year Mr M&TTT had to work on Easter Sunday, but was off on Easter Monday. The kids were all hyped up on Easter treats and I wasn’t feeling quite at my best, having come down with a really nasty cough and cold. The weather seemed quite good so we decided to take the Tiny 3 Continue reading →

Hill Rolling Fun

A few days ago, a failed geo-caching attempt led to a couple of hours of fun. Firstly we visited Cobb’s Engine House, we then investigated the rest of the Bumble Hole area. It always amazes me how an area so steeped in industrial history can now look so beautiful. The area was heavily mined during Continue reading →