“It’s that most wonderful time of the year…..” and to be honest that’s the way I’ve always felt about Christmas. As a child I would eagerly count down the days of December by opening my advent window each morning, waiting for Christmas Eve, then being so excited I couldn’t get to sleep. As I got Continue reading →
Category Archives: My Stuff

Wicked Uncle E-Toy Shop Review
A few weeks ago Wicked Uncle asked me if I would like to try out their service. When I looked at their site I knew it was exactly the type of website we were looking for, you see the boys are in school and nursery now and with that comes birthday party invites from friends. Continue reading →

Our New On Netflix Project
For the last few months Me and the Tiny 3 have been contributing film, documentary and TV reviews to the New On Netflix UK fan site. In case you don’t know what Netflix is I’ll explain below: What is Netflix? Netflix is a paid-for entertainment service that allows subscribers to ‘stream’ thousands of films and Continue reading →

Dettol Kitchen Hygiene Preventing Food Poisoning
Kitchen Hygiene – top tips to prevent food poisoning There are over one million cases of food poisoning a year in the UK1 and it is commonly assumed that most incidents arise from eating out at restaurants. However, you are just as likely to pick up food poisoning in your own home2 and with research Continue reading →

Brit Mums Live Sponsored By MaFt Host
I am pleased to announce that this year I shall be going to Brit Mums Live sponsored by the awesome MaFt Host. This blog has always been hosted with MaFt Hosting and I would recommend his service to everyone who is looking to either self-host for the 1st time or move to another hosting company. A Continue reading →

Discovering Local History
The boys are on their Easter break from school and nursery, and after a couple of relaxing days spent indoors with Netflix, Lego and colouring on Wednesday afternoon we went on an adventure. Originally my plan was to go geocaching, as there are quite a few geocaches within walking distance of my house. However when Continue reading →

I’m The Mom You Tutted At – An Open Letter
Hi I don’t know your name so I can’t start with ‘dear’ – so I’ll just say ‘hi.’ I have waited a few days to send this: pondered whether or not to blog about what you did. After much deliberation I have decided that this needs to be said, heard, written and read. You walked Continue reading →

Ice Skating at Webbs of Wychbold.
Way back in February when we first visited The Eden Project in Cornwall, JR watched with enthusiasm the people who were ice skating at the rink. He really wanted to have a go, but it was a bit outside of our budget although I did promise him that I would take him one day. Well Continue reading →

A Cadbury World Xmas
Last Sunday me and Mr M&TTT were very excited to be able to give the tiny 3 a nice early christmas surprise, a trip to Cadbury Worlds christmas celebrations. Our 1st surprise for them was a visit to see the big man himself (no not mr cadbury) Santa claus. As we were there quite early Continue reading →

Loom band review
Anyone who follows my instagram feed will know I have fallen in love with loom bands, and more specifically making characters out of loom bands. I find it so relaxing and its a nice quiet activity that I can enjoy whilst waiting for the tiny 3 to fall asleep at night. The only frustrating thing Continue reading →

JJ Cole Essentials 5×5 picnic blanket *Review*
Over the 6 weeks holiday, thanks in part to clever planning we have been lucky enough to enjoy quite a few days out. The one thing we always do for day trips is pack a picnic, the cost of food at tourist attractions is just too high to be justified. The one thing we have Continue reading →

Lollibop 2014 – Hatfield House
A few weeks ago now I started religiously entering any competition i could find to try to win tickets to Lollibop 2014,I think I would have ending up buying tickets anyway had I not won a family pass with The Boy and Me. I had read loads of reviews about it over the last couple of years Continue reading →

Just 4 Canvas – review
I am forever taking photos of everything my family does whether it’s JR reading, TP playing or LA learning a new skill. I also never leave the house without my camera. The only trouble is that that’s where they usually stay, on the memory card or on the computer, so when Just 4 Canvas asked Continue reading →

Back to school with Stamptastic
Almost every parent of school age children up and down the country will soon be starting the dreaded back to school shop. You know the one where you drag your little darling’s around clothes shops and supermarkets to try on and buy uniform ready for September. I have been ultra organised this year and are Continue reading →

Persil Duel Action Capsules – a review
This weekend i was challenged by Persil Duel Action capsules to make a duel flavour jam, and to see whether or not the capsules would be able to remove any juice stains created whilst making the jam. I am by no means a tidy chef, when it comes to cooking I always make a mess Continue reading →