NUM NOMS SERIES 4 IS HERE! Num Noms Series 4 has landed with a menu of cute new characters and delicious scents – including the launch of a new variety of Noms; available in scented Nail Varnish and flavoured Glitter Lip Gloss! Cookies, Fancy Cakes, Creamery, Baked Goods, Creme-Filled and Pasta are among the yummy Continue reading →

Timeline British History from Esdevium and Asmodee games *Review*
Was William Shakespeare born early enough to enjoy the delights of a cup of tea? And did he wear a top hat? Britains first Prime Minister was surely at a later date, but was that before or after the Great Fire Of London? These are the kind of questions that players face in Timeline British Continue reading →

Casdon Baby Huggle Car Seat *REVIEW*
Baby Huggles Car Booster Seat allows you to bring your doll everywhere with you! Your doll is kept perfectly safe and secure by a 3 part harness with hand shaped buckles that secure to the cars seat belts. This uniquely styled toy booster seat can promote car safety and will quickly become the toy that Continue reading →

Baby Born Interactive Sister Review
La loves dolls she has so many I’ve lost count and I can never keep up with their names they change so often, so when I asked her if she’d like a baby born interactive sister doll, of course, she said yes. When the doll arrived the first thing I noticed was how well packaged Continue reading →

Num Noms Crazy Creations *Review*
LA is like your typical 4 year old girl, she loves watching those You Tube videos where an annoying American talks about the latest collectable toy. We have, Shopkins, Twosies, Gift um’s and now we have the latest craze Num Noms! So when we were asked if we would like to create a crazy creation will Continue reading →

Tips for a Successful DIY Project
As I am currently in the process of totally redecorating a flat ready to relocate myself and the tiny three 140 miles away from my current hometown I thought it might be a good idea to share some tips on DIY with you my readers, and here they are: Home DIY Advice for Beginners: How Continue reading →

Teletubbies Clip on Toy
Everyone’s favorite children’s TV show Teletubbies has had a make over to bring it up to modern day standards. I can remember it’s 1st run on TV fondly, I was a college student looking for any excuse not to be working on my current assignment and Teletubbies became that excuse – yes I know that Continue reading →

Doc McStuffins Toy Range from Flair
Ever since LA was about 18 months old she has loved watching Doc McStuffins and the boys loved it before her, so it has been a big part of our household for a long time. We have had most of the available toys over that time. So when I asked LA if she would like Continue reading →

L.O.L Surprise! Hits the U.K.
Before I start this review of L.O.L. Surprise!, let me first apologise for the quality of the photos, LA has been poorly this week and as such wasn’t really in the mood to stand still while mummy took her photo. Now on to the review! L.O.L Surprise! is a new collectable ‘Blind Bag’ toy, which Continue reading →

TP’s Christmas Diary
Over the Christmas break me and TP have been working on a diary as part of his homework for school, I’ve had lots of fun listening to him tell me about his day, and as such I’d like to share it here on my little corner of the interwebs. Friday 16th December We broke Continue reading →

How Tax Helped Build The Death Star – Infographic
Rogue One, the latest Star Wars movie to hit our screens, explored an exciting time between Episode III and A New Hope. During this era, wars were fought, lives were lost, and the ultimate power in the universe was constructed. We are talking, of course, about the Death Star. Taking a closer look at the Continue reading →
Dreading Christmas
“It’s that most wonderful time of the year…..” and to be honest that’s the way I’ve always felt about Christmas. As a child I would eagerly count down the days of December by opening my advent window each morning, waiting for Christmas Eve, then being so excited I couldn’t get to sleep. As I got Continue reading →

Portable North Pole – Review
I remember when I was a child that to get in touch with Santa you wrote him a letter and left it with a glass of Jack Daniels on the Dining table and hoped that when you woke up the next morning either Santa or his elves had come to collect it. I also remember Continue reading →

Ravensburger Woodlands Friends Giant Floor Puzzle
A few weeks ago the tiny 3 were lucky enough to be sent a giant jigsaw puzzle from Ravensburger, which is honestly my favourite puzzle maker. I knew from past experience exactly what to expect from the puzzle, great quality, and educational. The woodland friends jigsaw is no exception aimed at children 4+ and consisting Continue reading →
The Week Junior – A Review
JR is almost 8, and although he’s really struggling at school he’s starting to take an interest in the world around him, and in particular the current affairs he sees on the news. I however am concerned with what he sees on those programmes and would like to preserve his innocence just for a little Continue reading →