Rings are cute, but monkeys are cuter. Enter Fingerlings, by WowWee, a wearable and adorable baby monkey companion created just for kids’ fingers. These tiny robot monkeys are meant to be worn on the finger and serve as a pal. Each little monkey has cupped arms and legs forming a slot in which kids can place their Continue reading →
Category Archives: Review

This R/C inflatable life size version of BB-8 from The Force Awakens is the biggest BB-8 unit on the market and features great sound effects from the movie. He sits an impressive 67cm tall, which is the exact same size as the real BB-8, and has full function control so he can follow you wherever Continue reading →

Project Mc2 Camryn’s Tie Dye Doll – *REVIEW*
This Doll and experiment set comes with a Camryn doll, a comb shaped like a conical flask, 3 permanent markers and a pipette, you need to provide your own clothing to design (white cotton works best) and also your own rubbing alcohol. The doll is a fairly generic barbie type doll which looks great but the Continue reading →

Staccups By University Games *REVIEW*
Staccups is the fast-paced game for 2-4 players aged 8+ where you race your opponents to be the first player to stack all your cups – that sounds simple doesn’t it, however, it isn’t that easy you have to match the top of the bottom cup with the base of the cup you are putting Continue reading →

Interplay My Mermaid Lagoon *REVIEW*
Create a magical mermaid world where Mermaid Pearl and her narwhal friend love to live! Mould, sculpt and play with the glittery magic sand and use corals, shells and other accessories to create an enchanting ‘under-the-sea’ scene in a beautiful bottle with a pretty shell-shaped stopper. Take Pearl anywhere, carried safe and snug in her Continue reading →

Hot Wheels R/C Bladez Drone Racerz *REVIEW*
This autumn in time for Christmas Bladez Toyz are launching a product that will revolutionise drones and flying toys and fill a large gap in the market. Traditionally drones and flying toys are marketed at an age range of over 14 years, however, the Hot Wheels R/C Bladez Drone Racerz is a natural progression for Hot Wheels Continue reading →

Dive in and Go Binge on your favourite Netflix shows with Three Mobile
Three Mobile has teamed up with Netflix, TVPlayer, Deezer and SoundCloud to let you stream shows and music infinitely, anytime, without using up your mobile data. Go Binge is available to all new or upgrading customers who have one of the following contracts with Three Mobile: All handset Advanced plans of 4GB and above. All Sim Only Continue reading →

LOL Dolls series 2 *Review*
A few months ago I was sent a series 1 LOL doll to review, it promised so much but as you can see if you read the review it didn’t really deliver those promises. So when I was told that it was such a popular blind bag collectable in the UK even though it had a Continue reading →

Num Noms Series 4 have arrived!
NUM NOMS SERIES 4 IS HERE! Num Noms Series 4 has landed with a menu of cute new characters and delicious scents – including the launch of a new variety of Noms; available in scented Nail Varnish and flavoured Glitter Lip Gloss! Cookies, Fancy Cakes, Creamery, Baked Goods, Creme-Filled and Pasta are among the yummy Continue reading →

Baby Born Interactive Sister Review
La loves dolls she has so many I’ve lost count and I can never keep up with their names they change so often, so when I asked her if she’d like a baby born interactive sister doll, of course, she said yes. When the doll arrived the first thing I noticed was how well packaged Continue reading →

Num Noms Crazy Creations *Review*
LA is like your typical 4 year old girl, she loves watching those You Tube videos where an annoying American talks about the latest collectable toy. We have, Shopkins, Twosies, Gift um’s and now we have the latest craze Num Noms! So when we were asked if we would like to create a crazy creation will Continue reading →

Teletubbies Clip on Toy
Everyone’s favorite children’s TV show Teletubbies has had a make over to bring it up to modern day standards. I can remember it’s 1st run on TV fondly, I was a college student looking for any excuse not to be working on my current assignment and Teletubbies became that excuse – yes I know that Continue reading →

Doc McStuffins Toy Range from Flair
Ever since LA was about 18 months old she has loved watching Doc McStuffins and the boys loved it before her, so it has been a big part of our household for a long time. We have had most of the available toys over that time. So when I asked LA if she would like Continue reading →

L.O.L Surprise! Hits the U.K.
Before I start this review of L.O.L. Surprise!, let me first apologise for the quality of the photos, LA has been poorly this week and as such wasn’t really in the mood to stand still while mummy took her photo. Now on to the review! L.O.L Surprise! is a new collectable ‘Blind Bag’ toy, which Continue reading →

Portable North Pole – Review
I remember when I was a child that to get in touch with Santa you wrote him a letter and left it with a glass of Jack Daniels on the Dining table and hoped that when you woke up the next morning either Santa or his elves had come to collect it. I also remember Continue reading →